How to find patients with certain diagnoses or diseases:

                                    ICD                                                                  SNOMED

For many data models, you can type in ‘diagnosis’ in the search field, choose the ‘diagnosis’ filter.  Then you will need to specify which diagnoses or groups of diagnoses you are looking for.  Searching for specific diagnoses, such as heart failure, you can search by ICD codes/diagnosis groupers or SNOMED.  Groupers are basically a list of items that belong to the same grouping.  Diagnosis groupers are lists of related diagnosis codes for the same condition, in this case heart failure.  There often are many groupers for the same medical condition.  Unfortunately, the names of these diagnosis groupers are not always self-explanatory.  Choosing one of these groupers will allow you to search for patients who have a diagnosis of heart failure (of some form or severity).  In this case, we chose ‘EDG Concept Heart Failure’, among several other similar groupers for heart failure.  Many of these were created for specific purposes; it is often the simplest to choose the one with name beginning EDG as we have done here.

SNOMED is the most comprehensive and widely adopted standardized clinical vocabulary.   It is extensively mapped to other common standardized terminologies such as ICD-9 or ICD-10.  You can choose SNOMED as the ‘mode’ for your search.  You would then simply type in search word “Heart Failure”. 

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