1. Turn off HR3 (Kaeser) Compressor.
  2.  Close MV107 (you will need to get the key from the key box located at the west-wall of the control-room to open the lock).
  3.  Close MV101
  4.  Crack open MV103 to vent with a slow flow
     Note: Turn ON the fans at NM4-Hall to avoid an ODH alarm.
  5.  Once all gHe is vented, then open the part of the filter and clean it with kim-wipes and alcohol, then let it dry before putting it together.
  6. Re-install the filter's cup and make sure it is firm.
  7. Take the Walkie-Talkie and once person should go to the outside tank's supply tank.
  8. Crack open MV107 (outside), and communicate to the person in the hall.
  9. The person in the hall can rotate the bottom part of that filter and bleed a few times, and close it.
  10. Gently open MV107 until is fully opened.
  11. Bleed gHe from MV103 a few times and close MV103.
  12. Open MV101.
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