#if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(6,00,0) #include <TSystem.h> #include <TStyle.h> #include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TH1D.h> #include <TLorentzVector.h> #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TMath.h" #include <iostream> #endif using namespace std; #define PI 3.14159265359 namespace { int nfiles = 1; const char* inputs [] = { "trk_aug29_8M.root" //input file }; } void asymmetry() { gStyle->SetOptFit(); TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","c0"); c0->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); c1->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3"); c3->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","c4"); c4->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","c5"); c5->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas("c6","c6"); c6->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("c7","c7"); c7->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c8 = new TCanvas("c8","c8"); c8->SetGrid(); TCanvas *c9 = new TCanvas("c9","c9"); c9->SetGrid(); for (int i=0; i<nfiles; ++i) { TH1D *hx = new TH1D("hx","hx",20,0,1); //Ndimu vs Xtarget TH1D *hnum = new TH1D("hnum","hnum",10, 0,10);//Ndimu vs mass TH1D *hphi_s = new TH1D("hphi_s","hphi_s",30, -1*PI,PI);//Ndimu vs phi_target_rest_frame TH1D *asym = new TH1D("Asym","Asym",5,0,0.5);//Sivers asymetry An //Ndimu vs phi_target_rest_frame for each bin of xtarget: TH1D *x_target[10]; char name1[100]; for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) { float xlow = 0.1*ii; sprintf(name1,"xTarget_%f",xlow+0.05); x_target[ii] = new TH1D(name1,name1, 20, -1*PI, PI); x_target[ii]->Sumw2(); } // // Loop a TTree in a file TFile *f = TFile::Open(inputs[i],"read"); TTree *T = (TTree*) f->Get("Truth"); #define MAX_PARTICLES 100 int gnhodo[MAX_PARTICLES]; float gpx[MAX_PARTICLES], gpy[MAX_PARTICLES], gpz[MAX_PARTICLES]; int n_particles, krecstat; T->SetBranchAddress("gnhodo", &gnhodo); T->SetBranchAddress("gpx", &gpx); T->SetBranchAddress("gpy", &gpy); T->SetBranchAddress("gpz", &gpz); T->SetBranchAddress("krecstat", &krecstat); float mu_mass = .105658; float pro_mass = 0.93827; float beamE = 120.0; float gE[2]; float phi, phi_s; for(int ientry=0; ientry<T->GetEntries(); ++ientry) { T->GetEntry(ientry); //Initial 4-vector definition TLorentzVector mu0, mu1, dimu, hadron_b, hadron_t, initial,spin; gE[0] = TMath::Sqrt(gpx[0]*gpx[0]+gpy[0]*gpy[0]+gpz[0]*gpz[0]+mu_mass*mu_mass); gE[1] = TMath::Sqrt(gpx[1]*gpx[1]+gpy[1]*gpy[1]+gpz[1]*gpz[1]+mu_mass*mu_mass); mu0.SetPxPyPzE(gpx[0], gpy[0], gpz[0], gE[0]); mu1.SetPxPyPzE(gpx[1], gpy[1], gpz[1], gE[1]); hadron_b.SetPxPyPzE(0.0,0.0,TMath::Sqrt(beamE*beamE-pro_mass*pro_mass),beamE); hadron_t.SetPxPyPzE(0.0,0.0,0.0,pro_mass); if (ientry % 2 ==0) { spin.SetPxPyPzE(0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0); } else { spin.SetPxPyPzE(0.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0); } initial = hadron_b + hadron_t; dimu = mu0+mu1; float dimu_gmass = dimu.Mag(); //boost to centre of mass TLorentzRotation cm_r; TVector3 cm_v = initial.BoostVector(); cm_r.Boost(-cm_v); TLorentzVector hadron_b_cm = cm_r * hadron_b; TLorentzVector hadron_t_cm = cm_r * hadron_t; TLorentzVector mu0_cm = cm_r * mu0; TLorentzVector mu1_cm = cm_r * mu1; TLorentzVector dimu_cm = cm_r * dimu; TLorentzVector spin_cm = cm_r * spin; float s = 2.0*beamE*pro_mass + 2.0*pro_mass*pro_mass; float sqrt_s = TMath::Sqrt(s); float dimu_E = dimu_cm.E(); float dimu_pl = dimu_cm.Pz(); float dimu_pl_max = sqrt_s/2.0*(1-(dimu_gmass*dimu_gmass)/s); float xf = dimu_pl/dimu_pl_max; float y = 0.5*TMath::Log((dimu_E+dimu_pl)/(dimu_E-dimu_pl)); float tau = (dimu_gmass*dimu_gmass)/s; float xb = 0.5*(TMath::Sqrt(xf*xf+4*tau)+xf); float xt = 0.5*(TMath::Sqrt(xf*xf+4*tau)-xf); //boost to dilepton restframe TLorentzRotation cm_dimu; TVector3 cm_v2 = dimu_cm.BoostVector(); cm_dimu.Boost(-cm_v2); TLorentzVector hadron_b_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * hadron_b_cm; TLorentzVector hadron_t_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * hadron_t_cm; TLorentzVector mu0_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * mu0_cm; TLorentzVector mu1_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * mu1_cm; TLorentzVector dimu_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * dimu_cm; TLorentzVector spin_cm_dimu = cm_dimu * spin_cm; TVector3 zaxis = (hadron_b_cm_dimu.Vect()).Unit()-(hadron_t_cm_dimu.Vect()).Unit(); TVector3 zunit = zaxis.Unit(); TVector3 hadron_plane_norm = zunit.Cross((hadron_b_cm_dimu.Vect()).Unit()); TVector3 lepton_plane_norm = zunit.Cross((mu0_cm_dimu.Vect()).Unit()); TVector3 yunit = lepton_plane_norm.Unit(); TVector3 xunit = (yunit.Cross(zunit)).Unit(); //below are phi_s_tf from target rest frame. The frame for the Asymmetry calculation TVector3 spin_vect_tf = spin.Vect(); TVector3 z_prime_unit = (hadron_b.Vect()).Unit(); TVector3 y_prime_unit = (z_prime_unit.Cross(dimu.Vect())).Unit(); TVector3 x_prime_unit = (y_prime_unit.Cross(z_prime_unit)).Unit(); float phi_s_tf; float cosphi_s_tf = (x_prime_unit.Dot(spin_vect_tf))/((x_prime_unit.Mag())*(spin_vect_tf.Mag())); if ( acos( spin_vect_tf.Dot(y_prime_unit) / ( (spin_vect_tf).Mag() * y_prime_unit.Mag() ) ) > (PI/2) ) { phi_s_tf = -acos(cosphi_s_tf); } else { phi_s_tf = acos(cosphi_s_tf); } int bin_xtarget = xt/0.1; cerr<<ientry<<" "<<T->GetEntries()<<" "<<dimu_gmass<<" "<<xt<<" "<<phi_s_tf<<" "<<endl; //good_event status -> currently only for successfully reconstructed event. We can also add trigger condition later for the good event status: bool good_event=false; if (krecstat==0) { good_event=true; } if(good_event) //only for successfully reconstructed event { hnum->Fill(dimu_gmass); hx->Fill(xt); hphi_s->Fill(phi_s_tf); if (bin_xtarget >=0 && bin_xtarget < 10) { x_target[bin_xtarget]->Fill(phi_s_tf); } } } // End of loop cerr<<"end of loop"<<endl; cerr<<endl; cerr<<"get An"<<endl; //Asymmetry calculation: for (int j=0; j<5; j++) { float sum=0; float sum_N=0; float An=0; float num_err=0; float den_err=0; float tot_err=0; float new_err=0; for (int k=1; k<=20; k++) { float phi_angle = -1.0*PI+(k-1)*2.0*PI/20.0+0.5*2.0*PI/20.0; float a = x_target[j]->GetBinContent(k); float b = x_target[j]->GetBinError(k); sum = sum + a*sin(phi_angle); sum_N = sum_N+a; num_err = num_err + (b*sin(phi_angle))*(b*sin(phi_angle)); den_err = den_err + b*b; //New error calculation from Kenichi. Kenichi pointed out that they are correlated: new_err = new_err + pow(b * (sin(phi_angle) * sum_N - sum) / pow(sum_N, 2), 2); } num_err = TMath::Sqrt(num_err); den_err = TMath::Sqrt(den_err); An = 2*sum/sum_N; tot_err = 2*An*TMath::Sqrt((num_err/sum)*(num_err/sum)+(den_err/sum_N)*(den_err/sum_N)); if(fabs(An)<=1) { asym->SetBinContent(j+1,An); //asym->SetBinError(j+1,tot_err); //applying new error calculation from kenichi: new_err = 2*TMath::Sqrt(new_err); asym->SetBinError(j+1,new_err); } cerr<<"Bin Xtarget = "<<j+1<<" An = "<<An<<endl; } //some cosmetics hnum->SetMarkerStyle(20); hx->SetMarkerStyle(20); hphi_s->SetMarkerStyle(20); asym->SetMarkerStyle(20); for (int j=0; j<10; j++) { x_target[j]->SetMarkerStyle(20); } int color = kBlack; if(i==0) { color = kBlack; c0->cd(); //c0->SetLogy(); hnum->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. M_{#mu#mu}; M_{#mu#mu} [GeV/c^{2}]; nDimu-trig."); hnum->SetMarkerColor(color); hnum->SetLineColor(color); hnum->SetMinimum(1); hnum->Draw("e"); hnum->SetStats(0); c1->cd(); //c1->SetLogy(); hx->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. x_target; x_target; nDimu-trig."); hx->SetMarkerColor(color); hx->SetLineColor(color); hx->SetMinimum(1); hx->Draw("e"); hx->SetStats(0); c3->cd(); hphi_s->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s}; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); hphi_s->SetMarkerColor(color); hphi_s->SetLineColor(color); hphi_s->SetMinimum(0.); //hphi->SetMaximum(1.1); hphi_s->Draw("e"); hphi_s->SetStats(0); c4->cd(); x_target[0]->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s} (xt = 0.05) ; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); x_target[0]->SetMarkerColor(color); x_target[0]->SetLineColor(color); x_target[0]->SetMinimum(0.); x_target[0]->Draw("e"); x_target[0]->SetStats(0); c5->cd(); x_target[1]->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s} (xt = 0.15) ; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); x_target[1]->SetMarkerColor(color); x_target[1]->SetLineColor(color); x_target[1]->SetMinimum(0.); x_target[1]->Draw("e"); x_target[1]->SetStats(0); c6->cd(); x_target[2]->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s} (xt = 0.25) ; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); x_target[2]->SetMarkerColor(color); x_target[2]->SetLineColor(color); x_target[2]->SetMinimum(0.); x_target[2]->Draw("e"); x_target[2]->SetStats(0); c7->cd(); x_target[3]->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s} (xt = 0.35) ; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); x_target[3]->SetMarkerColor(color); x_target[3]->SetLineColor(color); x_target[3]->SetMinimum(0.); x_target[3]->Draw("e"); x_target[3]->SetStats(0); c8->cd(); x_target[4]->SetTitle("nDimu-trig. vs. #phi_{s} (xt = 0.45) ; #phi_{s}; nDimu-trig."); x_target[4]->SetMarkerColor(color); x_target[4]->SetLineColor(color); x_target[4]->SetMinimum(0.); x_target[4]->Draw("e"); x_target[4]->SetStats(0); c9->cd(); asym->SetTitle("Drell-Yan Target Single-Spin Asymmetry; X_{target}; A_{N}"); asym->SetMarkerColor(color); asym->SetLineColor(color); asym->SetMinimum(-0.5); asym->SetMaximum(0.5); asym->Draw("e"); asym->SetStats(0); } else { color = i+1; c0->cd(); hnum->SetMarkerColor(color); hnum->SetLineColor(color); hnum->Draw("esame"); c1->cd(); hx->SetMarkerColor(color); hx->SetLineColor(color); hx->Draw("esame"); c3->cd(); hphi_s->SetMarkerColor(color); hphi_s->SetLineColor(color); hphi_s->Draw("esame"); } } }