Storage of Hit Matrix structure:
TMatrixT (Float): Detector ID, Element ID, Drift Distance
Storage of Hit Matrix structure:
TMatrixT (Int): Track ID, Vertex Flag, Process ID
Track ID: Indexes every hit in the matrix in track based groups. Simulated noise from cluster hits are listed as one Track ID, random noise hits have a single Track ID, partial tracks have a single Track ID, track fragments have a single Track ID, simulated tripped DC noise has a single Track ID. Should range from 0-999.
Vertex Flag: X, Y, Z (for single or Dimuon track generated), cluster hits, random noise, and DC trips are IDed as (1000,0,0), (2000,0,0), (3000,0,0).
Process ID: cluster hit ID, DC trip ID, random noise ID, DY ID, J/psi ID, psi' ID, pi0, kaon, ...