Use Context

App companions introduce readers to using a tool for a specific purpose or role. They help the user decide if the tool fits their needs, and gives them ideas for larger projects. They may also sketch out high-level workflows. Workflows may be in steps, but they don't provide detailed, granular step-by-step instructions.

Content Components

page titlestatesthereader'srole,or a general situation the app companion describes

is short and succinct, with the most important information at the beginning; include the application at the end of the title

For Students: NowComment

For Research: Audio-Video


gives a broad view of the steps needed to accomplish a wider project.

in ordered lists, with little elaboration – workflows describe the high level steps of making a project. Unlike step-by-step guides, they won't necessarily address readers directly.

If students need their own collections, they should:

  1. Log in to with Netbadge
  2. Create a collection
  3. Add teammates or the instructor as members of the collection
    • New members must have already created accounts by logging in
  4. Upload their video and audio files

shows a real-life example of how readers can use a tool. Lets them know the benefits of the tool instantly.

a screencap of the project 
links to tutorialgives a brief "story" of using the tool (generally, of the story to create the visual example). Links to a tutorial that shows how to complete the project associated with the story.accompanied by both a picture of a tool and the person that used the tool; the description of the project should be a brief "story" of the use

Audio-Video makes creating class video projects easy. In the 2 Minute Thesis collection by Dr. Jongmin Lee and STS scholars in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at UVA, students uploaded video summaries of their theses to a group collection. Each student can decide whether the video stayed private to UVA or was displayed to the public, though the collection itself is restricted to UVA members.


answers questions readersarelikelytohave,and provides additional resources. Include a way to report bugs in the application itself.

friendly, with questions written from the reader's perspective.

I don’t want to micromanage my students: where can they go for help?

This UVA Knowledge Base contains clear and succinct step-by-step guides to completing tasks in Mandala Audio-Video. (And if you want to find out something that isn’t in the guide, let us know. We’re always adding new content to meet UVA needs.)

Look and Feel


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