Use Context
App companions introduce readers to using a tool for a specific purpose or role. They help the user decide if the tool fits their needs, and gives them ideas for larger projects. They may also sketch out high-level workflows. Workflows may be in steps, but they don't provide detailed, granular step-by-step instructions.
Content Components
Purpose | Style | Example | |
page title | statesthereader'srole,or a general situation the app companion describes | is short and succinct, with the most important information at the beginning; include the application at the end of the title | For Students: NowComment For Research: Audio-Video |
workflow | gives a broad view of the steps needed to accomplish a wider project. | in ordered lists, with little elaboration – workflows describe the high level steps of making a project. Unlike step-by-step guides, they won't necessarily address readers directly. | If students need their own collections, they should:
visualexample | shows a real-life example of how readers can use a tool. Lets them know the benefits of the tool instantly. | a screencap of the project | |
links to tutorial | gives a brief "story" of using the tool (generally, of the story to create the visual example). Links to a tutorial that shows how to complete the project associated with the story. | accompanied by both a picture of a tool and the person that used the tool; the description of the project should be a brief "story" of the use | Audio-Video makes creating class video projects easy. In the 2 Minute Thesis collection by Dr. Jongmin Lee and STS scholars in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at UVA, students uploaded video summaries of their theses to a group collection. Each student can decide whether the video stayed private to UVA or was displayed to the public, though the collection itself is restricted to UVA members. |
FAQs | answers questions readersarelikelytohave,and provides additional resources. Include a way to report bugs in the application itself. | friendly, with questions written from the reader's perspective. | I don’t want to micromanage my students: where can they go for help? This UVA Knowledge Base contains clear and succinct step-by-step guides to completing tasks in Mandala Audio-Video. (And if you want to find out something that isn’t in the guide, let us know. We’re always adding new content to meet UVA needs.) |