This is your 1st homework assignment, please read ALL the instructions carefully, especially those on the main homework page.

Read the whole assignment before you begin.  

(0) Completion of in-class work

(1) Linux Tutorial

Complete the Research Computing Tutorial about the Linux command line (see detailed instructions below).   Make sure to do all 7 short tutorials!  

After you complete the tutorials, run this command:

history 100 > history.txt

#Your last 100 commands should go into the file history.txt

Make sure to save history.txt, as that is what you will submit to get credit for the HW.... 

Follow the instructions below. 

NOTE: If you struggle with this, come to office hours so that we can help you!!!!!

  1. Login to Rivanna.   Make sure you are in your home directory ('pwd' shows you the current directory path.  'cd' with no argument will take you home.)
  2. Change directories into the '1655' directory (that we created in class01). 'cd 1655'
  3. I would create a 'HW' directory in your 1655 directory ( 'mkdir HW' ).  Change directories into the HW directory. 
  4. Use this link to create your repository for HW01 on GitHub:

  5. As we did in class02, clone the HW01 repository into your working area on Rivanna:

    >>>git clone<userid>.git

  6. Change directories into the 'HW01-<userid>' directory
  7. Follow the instructions in the 'Readme' file that is in your repo directory.  You can view it with the 'more' command, or you can view it on GitHub. 

  NOTE:  It may be much easier to work through the tutorial if you can copy and paste some of the commands into your Rivanna command line.  This is easier if you open the Firefox web browser from within your OnDemand session.  There should be a Firefox icon at the top of the OnDemand desktop window. 

  You should be attempting to run all of the commands in each tutorial.   When you are done, make sure that you add, commit, and push the 'history.txt' file to GitHub as explained in the Readme.  Make sure to check GitHub for the file using the web interface to make sure it has transferred properly!