- Load the target material to the target cups.
- Load the insert.
- Tune the NMR system and get it ready with the channels that are going to be used. Take baselines, and start taking data.
- Get the microwave system ready.
- Ensure magnet and fridge has sufficient amount of LHe.
- Ramp-up the magnet.
- Ensure the roots rotary vane pump is running and gv bypass partially open to regulate the fridge pressure and temperature.
- Let the fridge pressure and temperature stabilize around 20 Torr and 1.95 Kelvin.
- Once the NMR system starts showing the signal, calculate the TE calibration constant and enter it on PDP (NMR Terminal).
- Open the change the gate-valve bypass out from PID, open it completely, and then open Gate-Valve, after that close gate-valve bypass completely.
- Start applying the microwave.