1. Load the target material to the target cups.
  2. Load the insert.
  3. Tune the NMR system and get it ready with the channels that are going to be used. Take baselines, and start taking data.
  4. Get the microwave system ready.
  5. Ensure magnet and fridge has sufficient amount of LHe.
  6. Ramp-up the magnet.
  7. Ensure the roots rotary vane pump is running and gv bypass partially open to regulate the fridge pressure and temperature.
  8. Let the fridge pressure and temperature stabilize around 20 Torr and 1.95 Kelvin.
  9. Once the NMR system starts showing the signal, calculate the TE calibration constant and enter it on PDP (NMR Terminal).
  10. Open the change the gate-valve bypass out from PID, open it completely, and then open Gate-Valve, after that close gate-valve bypass completely.
  11. Start applying the microwave.