
  1. HR3 Manual
  2. HMI Interface and Connectivity Manual
  3. Dewars (A B) Manual
  4. Purifier Manual
  5. QT System P&ID Information
  6. Coldhead Compressors Manual
  7. HMI Cabinet Manual
  8. Pneumatic Air Supply Manual

Routine Maintenance Procedures

Cleaning (Liquefier)
  1. Dewar Cleaning Procedure (using the transfer line)
  2. Dewar Cleaning Procedure (using the outlet MFC and its bypass)
  3. Liquefier Cleaning when Dewar contains LHe
Cleaning (Purifier)
  1. Cleaning QT purifier Helium-space (pumping-purging the purifier)
  2. Cleaning QT purifier LN2 space
Cleaning (HR3 piping)Purging HR3 after a maintenance

Filling LN2 to the purifier using a portable Dewar

Taking purity measurements at various places in the system

Measuring gHe purity

General/Other Procedures

System Startup Procedure

QT System Starting Procedure


Dewar Cooldown Procedure

For planned power outage

Shut Down and Restart Procedures

Taking purity measurements at various places in the system

Measuring gHe purity


IssueReasonWhat to do?
If the Dewar level indicators have large fluctuationsLevel sensor tubes are contaminatedFixing dewar level indicator
Coldheads blocking alarmPossible contamination
or cold heads have been running so long without any intake gHe for a while
  1. Resolving Liquefier Blocking Alarm when Liquefier is on Liquefy Mode
  2. Resolving Liquefier Blocking Alarm when Liquefier is on Idle Mode