Print this checklist and have it with you while proceeding with the following steps:


  1. Check the outside gHe pressure and make sure it is below 90 psi. If it's equal, near, or above, then relieve its pressure down to ~80 psi.
  2. Check with Target Expert on Shift whether the REGX green hand valve is fixed to some pressure during the previous fill.
  3. Connect to the Cryo Control Computer (via VNC: see Polarized Target System for SpinQuest at FNAL for the instructions)


  1. Set the liquefier to "Manual" mode.

  2. Navigate to the liquefier page on the HMI screen.

  3. Open SVP(A/B).

  4. Navigate back to the "Overview Screen".

  5. Start pre-cool phase:  Open VPC → Open VJV(A/B) → Monitor TX1, TX2, TX3

    1. Charts of TX1, TX2 & TX3:
    2. TX1 goes down below 100 K in 5 minutes.  If not, there should be a problem.

  6. After ~8mins: 
    1. Open the magnet-bypass valve (i.e. the black hand valve right next to the magnet flow controller),
    2. Open the Magnet Return flow, by changing the flow mode to "OPEN" on the "" on the Cryo Control Panel, and
    3. Open VJVT on the HMI screen.

  7. After ~1min: Close VPC and monitor magnet pressure.

    ** Note: If the REGX green hand valve is fixed (check with Target Expert on Shift), then do not change it: just proceed with step #10 *****
    > If you need to change the pressure difference between the magnet and the Dewar then use the REGX all the time to maintain the pressure difference that you need (eg: ~4psi)
  8. After a couple of minutes, you will observe that the magnet pressure drops down suddenly and stay around ~1.4-1.5 psi (this indicates that LHe is flowing to the magnet after the pre-cooling of the last part of the transfer line).
  9. Fill the magnet until the level shows ~44%.
    1. Keep monitoring the liquid amount and the pressure at
  10. Stop the fill if the level reached ~44% or any sudden change occurred during the transfer indicating a problem.
    1. Open VPC
    2. Close VJVT
    3. Close VJV(A/B)
  11. Navigate to the liquefier page on the HMI screen and close SVP(A/B) → Switch the Liquefier to "Liquefy mode".
  12. Wait for 1-3 minutes until the magnet pressure (on the HMI screen) goes down to 1 psi.
  13. Close the Magnet bypass hand valve.
  14. Change the mode of the Magnet Return flow from "OPEN" to "AUTO" on the , and then click the "Automation" toggle switch.
  15. Make sure that you leave the VPC open, to capture all the boil-off from the transfer line until it is warm (check TX1). — We need not check TX1 but let VPC open, correct?
  16. Calculate the transfer efficiency of the transfer using (see the following screenshot as an example), and write an elog entry on UVA elog.