


Discussion items


Background on DAM at ULib


overview of current status of contract from Ellen.

Loop in SDS Subject Liaison Jenn Huck if SDS opts to be DAM Affiliate

General SDS DAM Goals/Interests


Who would manage input and information into DAM? Training?

  • part of contract is training on how to upload and manage assets for admins

General content:

  • Video and photo content from events held
  • Web and social media content
  • 2-5 TB of data

Repository Details


(answer 1-8 for each repository/collection)

  1. Repository/collection name: Event media
  2. Total number of assets in the repository/size: 2-5 TB
  3. File types: video (mp4, mov), photo (raw, jpg, etc); PDFs
  4. Average file size
  5. Largest file size
  6. Type of repository: server, shared drive, 3rd party application, etc.: Dropbox and individual drives.
  7. Move all versions? Latest version? or last 3/5/10 versions?
    1. Do we need to archive any versions if not migrated? for historical purposes or audits
  8. Any relationships we need to maintain or be aware of?
    1. Parent/child, Legal, Curation document, etc.
    2. Linked to another system e.g. website, Learning Management, Collections Management, portal, intranet, etc.
  1. If metadata exists, how many and what types of fields? file names, add'l metadata tbd
  2. If data is structured within file name, would we need to parse this data when pulling into fields in DAM? If so please explain and provide examples
  3. What is the state of metadata and does it need to be sanitized/curated further? If so, please explain. We assume this would be handled by Affiliate.
Duplication Control
  1. Do we delete any identified duplicates or embargo them in a location until later?
  2. If duplicates are stored for a later date, do we keep them in the current repository or move them into a different one? e.g. cold storage
  3. Who will review these files? Cody Huff, SDS Multimedia Producer/Videographer if available.
  1. Does Affiliate own all rights/use of the assets and metadata? If not, please explain. ex. Stock photography, Agency, contract photographer/videographer, donated, etc.
  2. If Rights management does exist, please describe how this is managed today

Affiliate Resources

  1. Who would lead the migration from Affiliate and interface with ULib DAM Project Team? Alyssa and possibly Lane
  2. Are there content experts within Affiliate to provide input, metadata, or review? Cody Huff (see above)
  3. Who from Affiliate’s IT will be a point of contact for access to repositories? Sue Haas (SDS CIO) or Cody Huff
  4. Other resources provided? N/A

Action items

  • Ellen Ramsey will send Alyssa a financial info redacted version of Censhare proposal by  
  • Ellen Ramsey send Alyssa redacted final Library Market Scan recommendation report by  
  • Alyssa Brown will ask Lane Rasberry for metadata info on files