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Official Manuals:





Data inherited from EPICS  and stored as tsv files:


As of 10/23/2020 the following six groups are being saved (and also archived)

  1. Chambers: spill_XXXXXXXX_ChamHv.tsv

  2. Slow control Life scripts:  spill_XXXXXXXX_ReadSlowCont.tsv

  3. Acnet spill_XXXXXXXX_Acnet.tsv

  4. Hall enviroment  spill_XXXXXXXX_HallEnv.tsv

  5. Hodoscopes  spill_XXXXXXXXX_HodoHv.tsv

  6. Dark Photon Hodoscopes spill_XXXXXXXX_DPhodo.tsv

Monitoring Data with CS-Studio:

  1. Log in to e1039gat1
  2. Once in the shell execute:  export SWT_GTK3=0;

  3. cd  to the directory /data2/e1039/daq/slowcontrols/epics/css_projects/
  4. launch > ./cs-studio &
  5. From here one needs to chose a space, it is advisable to use one's own personal space dedicated to detector monitoring and plot making.

6. A welcome window will pop-up, close it.

7.Open a fie (from top left) :

Navigate to the directory /data2/e1039/daq/slowcontrols/epics/css_projects/

here a number of projects with extension .plt  that have been prepared. README file contains more information.

Open a relevant file for your detector. In the example below the Proportional tube (P4), current information is open.

You should save these projects (from top left) in your own directory. This will allow the user to open these projects by default every time Cs-studio is launched.

Save the plot and data:

  1. Right click on the plot:

2. Choose Save Snapshot to File or Open data Export Panel (below) and choose your format (spreadsheet or MatLab)




How to create your own variable group or add variables not present on the default projects:

In general to add a variable:

  1. If the Archive Search tab is open (below) just type your variable in the Pattern section, In my example I search for Dark photon (1) voltage  variable

2. Right click→ Process Variable→ Data Browser

3. Once the curves appear, save as (top left). This assures that the project is saved.

The plot above its rather busy , one can hide the curves by simply clicking in properties→ traces→ Show (unclick) Click yes when pop-up window asks you to hide.

In my example below I hid Ch11-Ch20

There is also an option to have multiple PV's in an existing axis.  This requires starting from one PV and then by right clicking on its plot and → Add PV, choose the axis from the previous PV etc.

Common errors:

The main errors so far encountered deal with click overload. Remote monitoring  (away from FNAL) sometimes takes time to refresh. If you make a mistake and the application truly  freezes you can just close the application and restart. 

There is also a problem with program overload from multiple users launching the same link at the same time.

If this becomes a problem I can port several skeleton installations in people's directories with minimal space requirements . If you need this just drop me an email (

CS-STUDIO baseline projects


from the above the following projects have been created:

Hall environment:

HD.plt HH.plt HT.plt P1.plt P.plt T1.plt

Drift Chambers:

D1_V.plt D1_I.plt D2_V.plt D2_I.plt D3_V.plt D3_I.plt

Prop tubes:

P4_V.plt  and P4_i.plt


The following sample projects have been created






Dark Photon Hodoscopes:

These is the most demanding of all detectors with 1192 PV's

We have created the following sample projects:




DP1_LT1_CH1-10_I.plt which is a subset of DP1_LT1_CH_I.plt

Live  script check:

Scalar DAQ:

Other monitoring pages:

Drift Chambers, page created by Kenichi.

Archiver (used by experts only, see apprpiate wiki for instructions):

Here one can monitor PV's  and add new PV's to be archived and monitored with CS-STudio

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