Data Format
You don't need a spreadsheet to add a video. Instead, you can add videos from Vimeo and YouTube using their unique id codes.
Find the YouTube id after the equal sign in the video's URL. For example, the URL
corresponds to the id code
The Vimeo id follows the slash after "". For example, the URL
corresponds to the id code
Video Customization Options
Starting time (m:s): sets the start time of your video
- note that this option is useful when you want to only show a subsection of a video
- the expected format is mm:ss, e.g. 00:12
Ending time (m:s): sets the end time of your video
- this option is useful when you want to only show a subsection of a video
- the expected format is mm:ss, e.g. 09:34
Auto-play?: determines whether your video will automatically begin playing upon loading
Audio volume: sets the video player volume
- 0 (muted) - 100 (max)
Height of player: sets the height of the video player in pixels
- Note that the size of the video itself will grow or shrink to the maximum possible dimensions while retaining its original aspect ratio
Width of player: sets the width of the video player in pixels
- Note that the size of the video itself will grow or shrink to the maximum possible dimensions while retaining its original aspect ratio
Duration of clip: shows the duration of the video clip
- For example, if you want the video to last for only 2 minutes and 50 seconds, then type 2:50 into the text box
Enable user draw?:
- Click true to allow users to add annotations to the display
Annotation Customization Options
"Action" Tab Options
- On a click: the annotation will respond to a user's clicks
- On a hover: the annotation will respond to a user's mouse moving over it
- When done: the video will do something of your choice when the annotation is closed
- Player action: the annotation will respond to these actions in the video player:
- Play: causes the video to play from a specified time
- Pause: pauses the video
- Volume: sets the volume as a percentage
"Time" Tab Options
- Start: sets when an annotation appears
- End: sets when an annotation disappears
- Fade in: sets the number of seconds that the annotation will fade in for
- Fade out: sets the number of seconds for which the annotation will fade
"Shape" Tab Options
- Top: positions the annotation relative to the top of the video player
- Left: positions the annotation relative to the left side of the video player
- Width: sets the width of the annotation
- Height: sets the height of the annotation
- Corner radius: rounds the corners of the annotation
- Draggable: allows users to reposition the annotation
"Color" Tab Options
- Text: changes the color of the text
- Background color: changes the annotation's background color
- Border: changes the style of the border using CSS syntax
- Opacity: sets the opacity of the annotation