Example : cd /e906/app/users/aarora/e1039-analysis/SimChainDev
./gridsub.sh file outfile n1 n2 n3
outfile-> whatever you want to name the output file
n1→ This denotes if the job is run locally or on the grid. 1(run the job on the grid) 2(run the job on the local machine)
./gridsub.sh output 2 1 100the following command will create an output directory called 'example' after running locally 5 jobs at a time with 470 events:
./gridsub.sh example 1 5 470
To access the output file:
the following command will create an output directory called 'example' after running on the grid 5 jobs at a time with 470 events:
source /e906/app/software/script/setup-jobsub-spinquest.sh
./gridsub.sh example 1 5 470