Use this link to accept the assignment and create your repository on GitHub: ??? https://classroom.github.com/a/h7qCeV9S
After you accept the assignment and the repository and it exists in your GitHub, as we did in class02, clone the repository into your working area on Rivanna.
(3) Handling user input (3 points)
User input with the input function.
Copy the name program from above to "name_input.py". Rather than use a string defined in the program, this version should request the user's name, and then print the output for the name that is given. Hint: use the built-in "input" function. Make sure that your program works for names with up to 4 sub-names. Think about what input validation is necessary so that your program won't crash if a user gives poor input? We will discuss input validation next week, so for now, just explain what you think is important (in a comment at the top of your program) Implement error handling with the "try/except" technique discussed in class.
(2) Calculate π Using Monte Carlo Integration (4 points)