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Purpose | Style |
Sample text | |||
title | states the task the user will accomplish. | The title begins with an imperative verb (if possible). | Allow Comments |
introduction | provides context to the task and alerts readers to potential issues or prerequisites. Introductions are optional: use them sparingly. | The introduction is no more than two sentences long. | To create a WordPress site associated with UVa, first create a UVaCollab course or collaboration site. These WordPress accounts have additional features not associated with the free version of WordPress. |
direction line | lists the primary steps the reader follows to complete the task, in numerical order. Each direction can include sub-direction lines, orientation lines and/or confirmation lines listed beneath them. | Directions are very specific and begin with an imperative verb. Do not use periods at the end of lines, and address the reader directly. | 1. Click on the button to the left |
sub-direction line | lists smaller steps that help the reader complete the larger direction. These are rare: use them when the main direction is optional. Only use sub-direction lines if making them direction lines would impede the flow of the guide. | See style for direction lines. | See direction line examples. |
orientation line | provides additional information to help readers complete the step. This includes location information, password requirements, etc. | Address the reader directly. Don't use periods at the end of the line.
confirmation line | describes what should happen after the direction is accomplished successfully. | Use future tense. Do not use periods at the end of lines. |
clickable link names | indicates which elements users can click within the application. | Use terminology and capitalization from the application if possible. | the red button Home Dashboard |
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