- AX-65 Diffusion Pump Manual: 6999-01-062.book (agilent.com)
- Pump Web Page: Diffusion Pump AX-65, Small Vapor Jet Vacuum Pump | Agilent
- Data Sheet: AX-65 Oil Diffusion Pump (agilent.com)
- Oil, SantoVac5 40 cc (We need 30 cc (30 ml)): 695405001 | Agilent
- Safety Data Sheet for Oil, SantoVac5: Oil, Santovac5_NAEnglish (agilent.com)
- SANTOLUBES Safety MSDS Datasheet (Oil, SantoVac5): MSDS-SANTOVAC-5aa.pdf (idealvac.com)
- Slides: Agilent Diffusion Pump.pptx
Secondary Pump System
- Backing pump: ???
- Turbo pump: Pfeiffer HiPace 1200
- Cable for RS-485 communication with HiPace 1200
- Length: 110 feet. Red = D+, Black = D-, Green = GND, White = 24 V (unused).
- RS-485-Ethernet Interface at slow-control rack: Waveshare RS485 TO ETH(B)
Backup of Turbo Pump
- Back-up plan for IVC Plan.pptx
- HiPace 1200 HiPace1200.pptx
- Zoom chat with William Faught about Backup pumps video1837845680.mp4