That's it! The ssh-key you loaded into GitHub should be good for the rest of the semester. I hope...
NOTE: The information below is additional GitHub resources, but not required to setup your account in class 2.
Github Introduction and Documentation:
First you will receive a link to a starter repository provided through the classroom.
Each student will make a copy of the repository and clone it to your area on Rivanna.
Generally these will be set as private repositories - no other students will see your repository.
Submissions of your work will simply be a matter of pushing your final code and any material discussing your results to GitHub.
First exercise using GitHub and GitHub Classroom
Beginning a project - this is how we clone a repository with starter code into our Rivanna area.
This is also described in the “How to submit an assignment…” link above.
If you have not already, start by making a directory on Rivanna to keep your work organized for this class, eg mkdir ~/phys1599 ; cd ~/phys1599
GitHub Classroom allows us to define repositories with starter code for class projects. These will be distributed as assignments in GitHub Classroom. The procedure is a little different from accessing normal repositories.
Each Classroom assignment will be distributed using a special link. We will keep these links private b/c anyone who uses the link will be able to create a repository that is linked to the course, possibly causing a lot of “noise” to sort through. The links will be posted in our course Wiki as part of the class exercises or homework descriptions.
Make sure you are logged into your GitHub account in your browser, then click on the link provided in the Wiki This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub area. It does not matter which computer your browser is running on.
Next you will make a local clone of this repository from your Rivanna account. If you look at your GitHub page you should now see a new repository with a name something like UVaPhys2660
At the top of the repository click on the green box named code
. This will give you the link to clone your repository using an ssh connection (the key you generated above will be used to identify you for modifying the repository). There is also an option to use https, but make sure you get the ssh version it will be more convenient.
For most classes, your link will look like this: git@github.com:PHYS1655F24/class??-<USERNAME>.git
Using a terminal on Rivanna, clone the repo using the ssh link:
>>> git clone git@github.com:PHYS1655F24/class??-<USERNAME>.git