Gaining Access to Fermilab
Definitions of the Target Roles
Reference --> Service Commitments
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Polarized Target Trainee: In this position you will learn about all polarized target subsystems including:
Duties include learning to operation and maintenance of the target system with the polarized target expert including all the subsystems, cryogenics, and optimization of polarization while the experiment is running. Learning from the target experts you will focus how to keeping the target system up and running and making repairs as fast as possible when the system is not operational. You will also learn how to taking calibration measurements of the polarization and making online assessments of the quality of the polarization calibration and prepare the system for production data taking. The trainee is a training position for those looking to at some point become a target expert. Target Trainees are not required to serve full time unless fulfilling a Target Helper shift. Target Trainees may take on other activities or responsibilities while training and will not be called on to take Target Expert shifts but the expectation is that eventually the Target Trainee should at some point arrange to take at least 3 Target Helper Shifts (each shift is 1 week long) and one supervised trial Target Expert Shift. At the end of this Target Expert shift you are qualified to take the Target Expert Walkthrough Exam (see D. Keller) to become a qualified Target Expert. Requirements: Resident close to Fermilab. Knowledge of LabView and experience with cryogenics will be useful but not required. Understanding the operation of oscilloscopes, RF electronics, and cryogenics is necessary. Ability to communicate clearly both written and orally. See Target Expert information above for additional information. J. Roberts, D. Seay, S. Abidi, H. Hader, H. Sirilal, C. Kuruppu, N. Chiminda, D. Mohottalage |
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Polarized Target Helper: The target helper has shifts with the Target Expert and serves to help the Target Expert with any activities that are required to keep the polarized target system up and running. The target helper should be will the target expert as needed throughout the time of the Target Helper shift. The Target Helper must be prepared to be available be 24 hrs/day and always be ready to be the buddy of the Target Expert or others in the SpinQuest Target Group. This role also has its own distinct responsibilities which include check out various various subsystems and checking on the inventory of consumables used by the target group. This requires filling out a spreadsheet every day when possible. Additional information can be found here: Target Helper Anyone in the collaboration can serve as target helper (Contact the present Target Expert or D. Keller). Serving as a Target Helper can be use as credit towards shifts. |
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Polarized Target Operator: The Target Operator has shifts in the counting house to maintain and maximize the target polarization. The Target Operator must pass the basic training to run and operate the target system, This role also has its own distinct responsibilities from the Target Helper as the Target Operators job is solely to run the target system from the main control run and be responsible for target polarization target data and keeping records during the shifts. This requires logging all changes and activities that occur with the target which system is both running and not running. This role also requires contacting the appropriate expert what a subsystem fails or polarization optimization in not working. There is no rule against the Target Operator and Target Helper being the same person, but each have distinct responsibilities. Additional information can be found here: All SpinQuest collaboration full members who are not Target Experts or Target Trainees are by default Target Operators. |
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