This page covers the Target Operator's checklist, and two fill procedures (see the bottom of this page).
Target Maintenance Record:
Ensure to record parameters' values on the SpinQuest_Polarized_Target_Parameters spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rVhYVyClAVFNEt_vyj8aQ8GLVS3DRL51QKbansgkOr8
The above spreadsheet needs to be kept updated one day or every other day. This spreadsheet holds the information below:
- Outside NM4 tanks (gaseous helium (gHe) and liquid nitrogen (LN2))
You can make various viewpoints of the full system strip charts using this page: https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039
The Target TV page 'https://e906-gat1.fnal.gov/data-summary/e1039/target-par-preset/target-tv.php' gives you an overall idea about the full system (but not all the parameters).