Length: 66 ft from magnet to magnet power-supply on west side of cryo-platform
Part Number: BS 638:PART 4 H.O.F.R 85 Deg.C. 25mm2 ELAND
Helium Level Sensors Inside SuperConducting Magnet and LHe Dewar:
Quantity: 4
SuperConducting Magnet Aperature Sensors:
Quantity: 8
Dimensions (each): 0.055" x 0.090"
Length: Somewhere near separator pump
Part Number: EXFF-T-16-100
Website: https://www.omega.com/en-us/wire-and-cable/thermocouple-and-rtd-wire-and-cable/p/EXTT-TX-WIRE
External magnet sensors TC lines (sixteen 1 mm cables) (highly length sensitive)