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Table of Contents

A Superconducting Magnet System can be operated easily and safely, provided the correct procedures are obeyed and certain precautions observed.


Professional assistance from a civil or structural engineer should be sought when considering any installation.

The Magnetic Field

Certain precautions must be taken to ensure that hazards will not exist due to the effect of a magnetic field on magnetic materials or on surgical implants. Typical of such effects are the following:


  • Do not bring ferromagnetic objects into the magnet room.
  • Use only non-magnetic cylinders and dewars for storage/transfer of compressed gas or cryogenic liquids. Equipment for transportation of cylinder/ dewars must be non-magnetic.

Fire and Explosion Hazards

In the case of fire evacuate personnel from the area and sound the fire alarm.


Oil mist filters should be fitted to pumps to reduce the emission of toxic oil vapors which pose both health and explosion hazards.

The Safe Handling of Cryogenic Substances

Cryogenic liquids can be handled easily and safely provided certain precautions are obeyed. The recommendations in this section are by no means exhaustive and when in doubt, the user is advised to consult the supplier.


The substances referred to in these recommendations are nitrogen, air, and helium.


Cryogenic liquids, even when kept in insulated storage vessels (dewars), remain at a constant temperature at their respective boiling points and will gradually evaporate. The very large increase in volume accompanying this vaporization is approximately 700:1 for helium and nitrogen and therefore:


In the event of a large spillage operate the fire alarm and evacuate the area.


Asphyxia of varying severity will occur if the magnet room is not properly ventilated. (Helium can displace air from the top of a room and cold nitrogen can displace air from lower levels).


If any of the cryogenic liquids come into contact with eyes or skin, immediately flood the affected area with large quantities of cold or lukewarm water and then apply cold compresses. NEVER use hot water or dry heat. MEDICAL ADVICE SHOULD BE SOUGHT IMMEDIATELY.


Protective clothing must be worn mainly to avoid cold burns and dry leather or PVC gloves must be worn when handling or working with cryogenic liquids. Gloves must be loose fitting so that they can be removed easily in case of liquid spillage. Eyes must be protected by goggles. Do not wear any metallic objects (e.g. jewelry) on those parts of the body where they may come into contact with the liquid.


Cryogenic liquids must be handled and stored in well ventilated areas.


Always handle the liquids carefully - boiling and splashing will always occur when filling a warm container or when inserting warm objects into the liquid. When inserting open ended pipes into the liquid, block off the warm end until the cold end has cooled down (otherwise cold liquid may spurt out of the open end under self-generated pressure). Never direct pipe/piping piping towards any person.

Beware of liquid splashing and rapid flash-off of helium when lowering equipment at ambient temperature into liquid. This operation must be carried out very slowly. 

Use only metal tubing connected by flexible metal hose for transferring liquid nitrogen. For the coupling DO NOT use rubber tube, silicon rubber tube (including hospital grade tube - this explodes!), or plastic tubing e.g. garden hose and including reinforced tubes e.g. for air lines - this shatters unexpectedly and may cause injury to personnel. It should be noted that polythene and nylon lines are sometimes used, however, this should not be taken as an implied recommendation, all lines should be tested in safe circumstances or used only after the manufacturer's recommendation.


Only use containers specifically designed for use with particular cryogens and constructed of non-magnetic materials.


Good ventilation is essential.

Store and use in a well ventilated place. If enough gas evaporates from the liquid in an unventilated place (e.g. overnight in a closed room) the oxygen concentration in the air may become dangerously low. Unconsciousness may result suddenly without previous warning symptoms and may be fatal. For example, the evaporation of 25 liters of liquid nitrogen produces 17,000 liters of nitrogen gas (600 cu. ft.). If this vaporization takes place in a room of 54 m(2,000 cu. ft.), i.e. 3 x 6 x 3 meters high (10 x 20 x 10 feet high) it can produce a very dangerous situation if the room is not ventilated. Appropriate multiplication of these parameters will indicate actual site conditions.

Minimize contact with air

Since liquid nitrogen is colder than liquid oxygen, the oxygen of the air will condense into the nitrogen and if allowed to continue for some time, the oxygen concentration may become so high that the liquid may become as dangerous to handle as liquid oxygen. This applies particularly to wide-necked dewars. Therefore ensure that contact with air is kept to a minimum.

Do not smoke (not just in the context of this manual. It's really bad for you.)

Rooms in which cryogenic liquids are being handled should be designated no smoking areas. While nitrogen and helium do not support combustion, their extreme cold can cause oxygen from the air to condense on cold surfaces and may increase the oxygen concentration locally. There is a particular fire danger if the cold surfaces are covered with oil or grease which is itself combustible.


Liquid helium is the coldest of all cryogenic liquids. It will therefore condense and solidify any other gas (air) coming into contact with it, with the consequent danger that pipes and vents may become blocked.

Liquid helium must be kept in specially designed, storage or transport dewars. Dewars should have a non-return valve fitted in the helium neck at all times in order to avoid air entering the neck and plugging it with ice. Vacuum insulated pipes should be used for liquid transfer; breakdown of the insulation may give rise to condensation of oxygen.

Ventilation of Exhaust Gases