Description of Parton Dynamics
This tool is intended for the visualization of different models of dynamics so we ultimately want to be able to switch between the various models using the UI.
All Models: Valence quarks are connected via the flux tube. The flux tube can be modeled as just a string holding the valence quarks together. The three
valence quarks should be orbiting around the center of the proton with a momentum that wants to send them flying off but the string tension of the flux tube
keeps them bound. Both the string tension and the valence quark momentum should be control parameters that can be changed in the UI. The string tension
should go as a/r where r is the distance it stretches and 'a' is just a constant that we can change. Dynamics
UI and Controls:
We also want a nice User Interface that is transparent so you can still see what's going on behind it and provides the option of controlling all of the dynamics and