- Stop and close the following VIs.
- LCW Monitor — It takes 30-60 seconds to stop.
- Cryo Control Panel
- BOS+EOS Handler
- Shut down the OS.
- Make sure that the network disk (/data2) is online. Ask the NM4 network manager if you are not sure.
- Boot up the OS.
- Login as "e1039daq". Only the UVA members know the password.
- Open "SX Virtual Link" in the taskbar. It connects to all remote USB devices automatically.
- Open "Start Menu" → "Measurement Computing" → "Instacal" and immediately close it. This step might not be necessary.
- Start the following VIs.
- BOS+EOS Handler — See the procedure written below.
- Cryo Control Panel — Double-click "CCP_Main.vi" on the desktop and click the VI "Run" button.
- LCW Monitor — Double-click "LCW_Flow_Mon_Main.vi" on the desktop and click the VI "Run" button.
Trouble Shooting
- VI shows an error about "/data2".
- "/data2" does not get mounted if it is not online when booting up the OS. There is a way of mounting it manually. But for now please reboot the OS.
- VI shows an error about COM/Ethernet/USB communication with a device.
- Make sure that the device is ON.
- Open and close "Instacal" if the device is MCC E-TC.
- Restart the VI. It is because some devices are recognized by LabVIEW only when LabVIEW starts.