The display might also indicate how many DY and J/Psi came for the dump.
Monitoring Features: o Ability to choose trigger or trigger mask (set of triggers) for each monitoring plot.
o Ability to overlay any histogram with a reference histogram from a file.High level monitored plots:
o Dimuon mass (dimuon triggers)
o Dimuon mass (special low mass trigger to include full J/psi line shape)
o Angular asymmetry for J/psi region
o Reconstructed vertex position
Information Needed Fast (per spill) Basic Monitoring - Number of triggers (FPGA), road set monitor, (sig/back), lineshape - DAQ + DAQ error rates (at TDC, ROC, TS, etc.) - Occupancy per spill (set of histos: DC, SH, FH, PT), TDC-time distros, in-time peak monitoring - Comparison of real trigger bits and emulated trigger bits - TDC-time distribution: particularly of hodoscopes, where the in-time peak shifted several times during E906 due to hardware failure - Beam intensity: veto percentage, triggered-RF intensity - Monitoring scalars - Active/inactive paddles and detector issues Higher Level Monitoring (with slow control integration) - TDC time difference between H2XT and H4XB vs flight distance - Hit pattern overlap from DC, SHodo and FHodo - Hodo rates vs High Voltage - PMT rates vs High Voltage - Tempurature in analysis magnet and polarity vs hit patterns for +/- muons - Hit pattern in detectors in comparison to golden hits - Gas flow pressure with rates Beam-target interaction (info from scalars and cherenkov) - Rates in scalers - Changes in structure of the beam - Timing and distribution in space Reconstructed Information (Px, Py, Pz, Vx, Vy, Vz) - J/psi mass (mean and width) - Kinematics of Dimuons (q_T, x_b, X_F, phi) - Kinematics of single tracks (differential charge) - Degree of L/R asymmetry, U/D asymmetry from all incoming events - Monitoring of non-target interactions: ladder - Counting the number of J/psi and DY per spill - Lineshape monitoring - Target fully intact Higher Level Analysis - Real-time L/R asymmetry from J/psi (spill and accumulated statistics) - Asymmetry as a function of kinematics - Pattern recognition of all detector systems per spill with correlations for timing and element ID - Deviations from golden run based on trained data - Partial track or track quality for k-tracker - Level of background from Qtracking - Rates just from target from Qtracking - Quality factors based on slow control information and high level analysis - Full N-dimension correlations in real-time - Monitor of real-time dilution factor of x_b Calibration - Initial Insert Analysis: level of target rotation, pitch, and alignment with calibrating slug - Pencil target beam position analysis Part of Shift Monitoring scheme and Displays Display from histograms and high-level analysis from above and; Monitoring Features: o Ability to choose trigger or trigger mask (set of triggers) for each monitoring plot o Ability to overlay any histogram with a reference histogram from a file o Track quality, such as N of associated chamber hits and chi2/NDF High level monitored plots: o Dimuon mass (dimuon triggers) o Dimuon mass (special low mass trigger to include full J/psi line shape) o Angular asymmetry for J/psi region o Reconstructed vertex position (x,y,z, 3 plots)
Reliable Event display with the following default views:
o X-Z plane (plan view of experiment, not a point viewer perspective)
o Y-Z plane (elevation view of experiment, not a point viewer perspective)
o U-Z plane (not a point viewer perspective)
o V-Z plane (not a point viewer perspective)
o Display should also include Beam Cherenkov information available from the event
o Integrated scalar with slow controls information